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MSK's Virtual Kitchen - tuile

15 Oct Perfect Leaf Tuiles with Tuile Sugar and Silicone Tuile Moulds
MSK 0 11519
Using our tuile sugar and the beautiful silicone tuile moulds from Silikomart and Pavoni you can easily make these delicate and delicious leaf tuiles in no time at all. Just brush the tuile sugar over..
03 Oct Affogato with Coffee Glass Tuile
MSK 0 5180
Is an affogato a drink or a dessert?  Or both?  We don't really know, but we love this Italian treat either way.  Pure madagascan vanilla ice cream and a shot of espresso, in this case topped with a g..
16 Jun Tomato Tuile using Spray Dried Tomato Powder
MSK 0 4643
There are some great English tomatoes coming into season right now and so we thought we'd show you a few techniques which use our fantastic spray dried tomato powder for garnishes and sauces you can u..
15 Oct Savoury Leaf Tuiles using Silicone Tuile Moulds
MSK 0 9644
Using this tuile mix in one of the silicone tuile moulds you can easily make crisp tuiles that have great colour and are full of flavour.  The Ultralin works as a sugar substitute, allowing for a savo..
02 Sep Black Forest Gateau with Leaf Tuile
MSK 0 4309
We are sharing a classic for today’s culinary inspiration - a Black Forest Gateau.The leaf garnish on this dessert is made using the Silikomart Bosca leaf mould. We use MSK Tuile Sugar (MSK-8136) to m..
15 Jul Red Pepper Cannelloni using MSK UltraLin
MSK 0 3257
MSK UltraLin has a similar texture and functionality to sugar, which makes it a perfect option for creating savoury versions of sweet dishes.In this case we've created a savoury cannelloni tube using ..
Showing 1 to 6 of 6 (1 Pages)