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MSK's Virtual Kitchen - pectin

21 May Yorkshire Blue Cheese filled Brioche Bun with a Heather Honey Glaze
MSK 0 10292
We love a bit of Yorkshire Blue here at MSK, and Rupert's made this lovely little brioche bun filled with a hot creamy blue cheese mousse.  The mousse is stabilised with gellan gum to stop it from spl..
27 Jan Rhubarb and White Chocolate Dessert using Pectin LMA
MSK 0 5144
You may remember reading about our trip to Tomlinson’s Rhubarb a few weeks ago and we’ve been using the produce in the kitchen lots after such a thought-provoking day. When working with top quality in..
06 Dec Cherry and Oat Chocolate Ganache
MSK 0 5992
Rupert and Vicky have created this stunning cherry and oat chocolate ganache which has been made with our Pectin NH and gluten-free oat milk chocolate.By using this method you will get a unique textur..
18 Jun Apple Pâte De Fruits Recipe using MSK Slow-Set Pectin
MSK 0 3596
MSK's Slow-Set Pectin is the perfect pectin for making pâte de fruits.  It's a yellow pectin (pectin jaune), but designed to set a little slower than normal, so that at the dosage needed for pâte de f..
Showing 1 to 4 of 4 (1 Pages)