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MSK's Virtual Kitchen - savoury ice cream

28 Apr Avocado Ice Cream with Ocoo Tomato Essence
MSK 0 3478
This recipe showcases the Ocoo's potential for making unique, intense, natural essences from fruits or vegetables.  In this case it's a caramelised tomato essence, made by cooking in the Ocoo for 5 ho..
08 Jul Savoury Ice Cream using MSK UltraLin
MSK 0 2683
With it being National Ice Cream Month, we are continuing to explore savoury ice cream made using ultralin. UltraLin is made from chicory root and is perfect for use as a sugar replacement in savoury ..
07 Jul Tomato Salad with Grilled Goats Cheese Ice Cream
MSK 0 2605
How stunning does this grilled goats cheese ice cream look? It is made using Ultralin which is a sugar replacement. This allows you to make a savoury ice cream and still have the same texture as a swe..
Showing 1 to 3 of 3 (1 Pages)