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MSK's Virtual Kitchen - flavour enhancer

31 Jul Branded Burgers with Beer and Henderson's Burger Cheese
MSK 0 5548
We've finally got a little bit of summer in the UK, so here's an idea for some extra special burgers we've made. We've branded the buns using a custom branding iron from 100% Chef that we've had made ..
11 Jul Tomato and Balsamic Vinegar Pork Scratchings
MSK 0 2228
Our Tomato Powder is great for making seasonings and coatings for your dishes and garnishes. Here's a quick recipe for making a fantastic seasoning which we've used to coat our pork scratching popping..
08 Jul Savoury Ice Cream using MSK UltraLin
MSK 0 2683
With it being National Ice Cream Month, we are continuing to explore savoury ice cream made using ultralin. UltraLin is made from chicory root and is perfect for use as a sugar replacement in savoury ..
Showing 1 to 3 of 3 (1 Pages)