Panela is a non-refined raw sugar made from dehydrated cane juice which is rich in vitamins and minerals. Its unique caramel tones deliver a subtle sweetness and flavour to this classic dessert. Makes 6 portions.
For the caramel:
- 150g caster sugar
Place the caster sugar into a clean pan over a medium heat and stir slowly to melt all the sugar. Boil until the sugar becomes a deep golden caramel. Quickly pour into warm ramekins and set aside to cool. Once the caramel is completely set, lightly butter the edges of the ramekins.
For the custard:
- 500ml Whole Milk
- 100g Panela Sugar
- 1 Vanilla Pod
- 4 Large Eggs
Whisk the eggs and panela sugar together in a bowl. Place the milk and scraped vanilla pod into a saucepan over a gentle heat until it just comes to the boil. Gradually pour the milk onto the eggs and whisk to combine. Strain the mixture through a fine sieve and pour into the prepared ramekins. Stand the ramekins in a deep tray and half fill the tray with boiling water. Place into a preheated oven at 150°C. Cook for 30-40 minutes or until the custard has set. Remove from the oven and set the ramekins on a cooling rack. Once cooled place the crème caramels into the fridge overnight.
To serve run a small knife or palette knife around the edges to loosen the crème caramel and place upside down onto a serving dish.
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