b'MSK UltraLinA versatile alternative to sugar with 70% lower sweetness.MSK UltraLinMade from chicory root, MSK UltraLin delivers a similar textureRed pepper cannelloni (below)profile and functionality to sugar but with 70% less sweetness. It is perfect for use as a sugar replacement in savoury dishes. 400g Red pepper pureeMSK UltraLin can be used to replace sugar in savoury tuiles,100g MSK UltraLinmeringues and even ice cream. Using a stick blender, blend the puree and UltraLin together until completely homogenous.Spread the mixture thinly on to MSK UltraLin (1kg) MSK-7807 22.75 a non-stick silicone mat. Dehydrate the mixture in a low oven or dehydrator until completely dry. Cut and shape the tubes while the Savoury Ice Cream (above) mixture is hot. Store the tubes in an airtight container until ready to serve.565ml Milk200ml Whipping Cream150g MSK UltraLin8g Salt3g MSK Flavour Enhancer5g MSK Silk GelBlend all the ingredients together. Half fill a Paco Jet container with the mixture and place an empty glass bottle e.g. cola bottle, standing upright in the centre of the containerAllow the mixture to freeze solid, and then remove the bottle by pouring some warm water into it, waiting for a few moments for the surrounding mixture to thaw a little to free the bottle.The cavity left by the bottle can now be filled with wide a variety of ingredients from sweet corn to smoked salmon. Allow to freeze fully before pacotising.64 TRAINING AVAILABLE: see page 4'