b'MSK FlavouringsOur exciting and diverse flavour options help you optimise flavour whatever the application38 Natural Flavour Drops 46 Smoke FlavoursAn expertly sourced and selected range of premiumLovely smoke tones in extract, oil and powder form to natural flavourings, perfect for boosting an existingadd smoke flavours to your dishesflavour or for adding an extra dimension to a dish whilst preserving the texture. Available as water or oil soluble. 46 Floral WatersSubtle floral tones perfect for mouth-watering 41 Natural Essential Oils desserts and confectionsPurified natural oils, simply add a few drops of oil to taste in chocolate, desserts, ganaches, marinades and sauces, etc 47 Tonka BeansGrate and infuse for a rich and warm flavour; a 42 Flavour Bursts fantastic marriage with caramel and chocolate Water and Oil Soluble, a fully-rounded, highly versatile flavour option 47 Intense Flavour PowdersPowdered natural ingredients with an intense flavour44 Flavouring Compounds Flavour EnhancerA range of exceptionally high quality flavouring pastes47that have superb texture and colour.Perfect for ice creams and general patisserie 212 Flavour IndexOur flavour index is a quick way fo seeing what 46 Extracts flavouring options are available for each flavourIntense extract in a handy liquid formEmail us: sales@msk-ingredients.com 37'