b'Chefs Tools128 Liquid Nitrogen & Dry Ice Cooking 151 Tart BandsFrom nitrogen baths to borosilicate serviceware,Smooth and perforated tart bands and silicone everything you need to work at extremely lowmoulds for tart topping, from Pavoni Italiatemperatures safely and with style.170 Easy Moulds132 Ocoo - Precision Cooking A quick and easy system for shaping and sizing The ingenious OCOO is a temperature-controlledfood.pressure cookerand steamer which allows for extremely precise control of all aspects of the cooking process. 171 Plating & PresentationCreate unique and impressive decorations on your 133 Vacuum Tools plates using these innovative tools from 100%ChefIngenious tools from 100%Chef to save time and create amazing and unique results with vacuum172 Cool Bar Instant Glass Frosterequipment. Instantly cool and frost cocktail glasses and more.134 Confi Kit 173 Stainless SteelMixer attachment for coating nuts and otherA wide range of stainless steel tools for the kitchenconfections with tempered chocolate, caramel or other coatings. 174 Kitchen Tools & Accessories134 Twin Stones Wet Grinder Measuring equipment and moreVersatile tabletop conching machine for bean to bar chocolate work and much more135 DehydrationThe excellent Excalibur Dehydrator with 4 or 9 trays.135 Candy Floss MachineDesigned specifically for chefs, our candy floss machines are just the right size for a busy restaurant.136 Shaping KitsCreate macaroni, spaghetti or sugar spirals.136 SpherificationTools to give you smoother, quicker and easier spherification results.137 Whipping & FoamingWhipping guns, nozzles and adaptors plus the fantastic Foam Kit Deluxe139 Pavoflex Silicone MouldsCall us on: 01246 412211 127'