b'Specialist SugarsStunning artisan wild sugars obtained from sugar cane used for their distinctive colour and flavour. Panela Colombian Sugar Raw Mauritian Whole Dark SugarPanelas unique method of production gives it a mild but naturallyA buttery brown sugar molasses with top notes of liquorice which fruity toffee flavour, perfect for making colombias favourite, aquadelivers a unique flavour and a distinctive caramel colour.panela with fresh lime juiceRaw Mauritian Whole Cane Dark Sugar (1kg) MSK-8325 19.99Panela Sugar (1kg) MSK-7104 14.99Raw Mauritian Sugar Tart300ml Milk200ml Whipping cream4 Egg yolks100g MSK Wild Madagascan Sugar1g MSK Carrageenan IotaMethodPlace the cream into a pan over a medium heat and bring to the boil. Whisk together the egg yolks and 75g of the sugar. Pour a little of the boiled cream over the yolk mixture and mix well.Pour this mixture over the remaining cream, mix well and return to the heat, cook out until the mixture reaches 82C or until the mixture is thick enough to coat the back of a spoon.Mix the Carrageenan Iota with the remaining sugar and add to the milk and bring to the boil.Combine the milk and cream mixtures together and pass through a fine sieve.Pour the mixture into the baked tart case and place into the fridge for 2 hrs to set.112 SAMPLES AVAILABLE on request'