b'Flavour BurstA fully-rounded flavour solutionHighly heat-stable and available in either an oil-soluble or water-soluble baseFlavour BurstThis exciting range of flavours are highly concentrated and exceptionally easy to use. They deliver not only flavour but also colour, sweetness and acidity which are often lacking when using flavourings. Ideal for flavouring cakes, biscuits, muffins, cheesecakes, ice cream, drinks, cocktails, liqueur, beer & wine, or just about anything else you can imagine, Flavour Bursts are also heat stable, offering you the versatility to use across the menu; simply adjust the dosage rate according to your personal taste.Flavour Bursts are available on either an oil-soluble (os) or water-soluble (ws) base. Many are also natural flavourings (nat).Almond, nat, ws 100ml MSK-7263 21.99 Date, ws 100ml MSK-7311 16.99Amaretto, ws 100ml MSK-6204 16.99 Elderberry, nat, ws 100ml MSK-6059 21.99Apple, ws 100ml MSK-6003 16.99 Elderflower, nat, ws 100ml MSK-6060 16.99Avocado, ws 100ml MSK-6012 16.99 Gingerbread, ws 100ml MSK-6066 16.99Bacon, ws 100ml MSK-6013 16.99 Hazelnut, ws 100ml MSK-6072 16.99Balsamic Vinegar, nat, ws 100ml MSK-7265 21.99 Hazelnut Praline, nat, ws 100ml MSK-7324 16.99Banana (Fresh), nat, ws 100ml MSK-6014 16.99 Juniper Berry, ws 100ml MSK-6076 21.99Blackberry, nat, ws 100ml MSK-6019 16.99 Key Lime, nat, ws 100ml MSK-2507 16.99Blackcurrent Flavour Burst, ws 100ml MSK-6020 16.99 Lemon, nat, ws 100ml MSK-7348 21.99Blueberry, nat, ws 100ml MSK-6022 16.99 Lemon Meringue Pie, ws 100ml MSK-6080 29.99Brazilian Coffee, nat, ws 100ml MSK-6046 16.99 Lemon Verbena, nat, ws 100ml MSK-7336 16.99Butter Biscuit, ws 100ml MSK-6016 16.99 Lemon Verbena, ws 100ml MSK-8232 26.99Cactus Blossom, nat, ws 100ml MSK-7948 16.99 Lime Zest, nat, ws 100ml MSK-7337 17.99Cactus, ws 100ml MSK-6024 26.99 Lobster, ws 100ml MSK-6085 24.99Cappuccino, ws 100ml MSK-6025 16.99 Maple, ws 100ml MSK-6088 19.99Caramel, ws 100ml MSK-6026 16.99 Melon, ws 100ml MSK-6091 16.99Cherry, ws 100ml MSK-7806 16.99 Mint, nat, ws 100ml MSK-6093 16.99Cherry Liqueur, nat, ws 100ml MSK-6030 16.99 Mint Choc Chip, nat, ws 100ml MSK-7349 16.99Chestnut, ws 100ml MSK-6035 16.99 Mojito, nat, ws 100ml MSK-6094 21.99Chilli Pepper, nat, os 100ml MSK-6165 16.99 Olive Green, os 100ml MSK-6186 16.99Coffee Mocha, nat, ws 100ml MSK-6209 16.99 Orange, nat, ws 100ml MSK-6100 16.99Cranberry, nat, ws 100ml MSK-6052 16.99 Orange (Zest), nat, os 100ml MSK-6189 16.99Mojito Mousse200g Double Cream2 Egg yolks40g Sugar3g MSK Mojito Flavour Burst20g Lime Juice2 Soaked Bronze Gelatine Leaves250g Double Cream, whippedPlace the cream and sugar into a pan and bring to the boil. Whisk the yolks and sugar together and combine with the hot cream mixture to make a custard.Over a medium heat cook the custard to 85C, add the gelatine and pass the mixture through a fine sieve. Add the flavour burst and the lime juice and place over ice until mixture cools and begins to thicken.Fold in the whipped cream and pour the mousse into a mould or tray to set. Refrigerate for about 1-2 hours to ensure mousse is set before topping with a sharp lime jelly.42 MULTI-BUY OFFERS available on many flavours'